All 12 points are valid from an individual’s point of view.
The weakness of Medium is that it has not created communities. Authors compete with each other for the readers’ attention, which means money.
If we had communities on Medium, then we would have multiple benefits from a collaborative effort. We would learn from each other. We could advance our causes, and by that, we might bring some changes to our communities outside of Medium. If our conversations became authentic, there would be no need to worry about money because people seek to improve their lives everywhere in the world. They would follow our writings, and they would bring their friends to Medium.
I do not speculate; my formative journalistic experiences were in the publications following the above concepts. I lived it; it was fun and a lot of satisfaction.
Recently, one of the writers on Medium reprimanded me for including links to my articles in my comments, accusing me of excessive self-promotion. Is it my fault that some of my old pieces address issues presented in an article I am reading now?
In that spirit, here is the link to my take on the same subject: Writing is not about writing.