Barry, I do not write for Putin.
My articles are for Medium members, like those in the U.S. who buy Russian propaganda. Or Germans who see their good business relationship with Russia as more worthy than their other international obligations. As well as people in India, Africa, and Latin America who perceive the world matters first as the intrigue of American imperialists. In the case of Ukraine, they appreciate the foremost Putin’s standing against the Western-centered world order.
As I wrote in early March 2022, “Every minute innocent people are dying in Ukraine. What does Medium do to stop it?” Medium has what it takes to educate the worldwide opinion.
The war would take a different turn if nations like India, Brazil, and major Arab and African countries stood firmly against Russia. They could kick Russia out of the U.N. and the Security Council. They could provide no NATO military air protection for the food transit on the Black Sea.
I do not know if Medium is strong enough to change the worldwide opinion. But I know there was an executive decision at Medium not to try that.