I am bold about what I know. I am sorry it this offends you.
I see no issue with Yeltsin using foreign advisors in Russia's practically first free election. They did not have their own experts in that area at the time.
The increase in life expectancy is a cheap propaganda trick. On Google, one can find a chart showing that in the years 1970-1990, life expectancy in Russia fluctuated a little below 70 years, reaching 69.13 in 1990. It was almost identical to the life expectancy in Poland, which was a part of the Soviet Bloc. But after Poland freed itself from the Soviet yoke, the life expectancy gradually grew, reaching 79.27 by now. In Russia, after the collapse of the Soviet system, the life expectancy fell to 64.95 in 2005 and then grew up to 72.99 by now. It means that the biggest decline in life expectancy was during the first five years of Putin’s presidency, then bouncing back but reaching below most of the other post-Soviet countries. I would credit the low life expectancy in Ukraine to Russian meddling there to incorporate it in Russia.
When it comes to Putin’s support, Stalin had overwhelming support as well. Some Russians still miss him.