Henryk A. Kowalczyk
1 min readOct 6, 2018


I appreciate your acknowledgments that not everything was well thought of in your previous comment. But you still reason as a Millennial. In particular, your strong language cannot offend me, but as I wrote to you, it proves that you have strong emotions but weak arguments.

You are correct, sexual assault is not sex; it is a sexual crime. And it always has big audience in media.

Dealing with trauma in private is the right thing to do. I do not have a daughter, but if I had one, I do not want her to walk with the stamp on her forehead: I was raped, I had been molested, or sexually assaulted. This should be handled within, as narrow as possible, a close circle of family, friends and a therapist if needed. It does not mean that the perpetrators should not be punished. It does not mean that the victims should not get all the help they need.



Henryk A. Kowalczyk

Many tell us what to think. I write to ask you to inquire. Question me. Have fun. Contact: hak1010@yahoo.com.