Let me share with you a few observations of someone who writes for half a century, had 15 minutes of fame as a political writer once and has been on Medium for four years.
I published only 81 stories, less than two per month. I could publish about two stories per week, but I would have to sacrifice quality beyond that. I might write a column per day for a week, but then I would need to recharge. One can write a market report twice per day, but creative writing takes time.
With a few exceptions, my monthly earnings on Medium are enough to buy one coffee at Starbucks, but I could afford a coffee only in Dunkin' Donuts in some months.
My article about Argentina was listed in one email to members. Thanks to that, I earned some meaningful money, but still, a small fraction of what I believe that piece is worth.
If I wrote to my maximum capacity, the best I could earn on Medium would likely be one coffee per day.
The only way to make money is by being listed in the Medium mailings. I am not.