We both agree that Medium should work on attracting readers for good writers. You wrote good faith advice on how demanding readers can find writers worth their time. I see some potential pitfalls, but they are on any other path one might take.
My skepticism is rooted in my experience on Medium. I do not believe Tony is sincere in his recent statement claiming that Medium will boost the best writers. The same people as before will execute the same policy of promoting writers who support the very narrow political agenda of Ev Williams.
Look at my newest article about Ukraine, which you generously supported in your comment. I published eight articles on that subject last year. None of them get any meaningful listing in the Medium Daily Digest. As I tried to read as many articles as possible on that subject, the algorithm flooded me with shallow texts. Also, well-written texts were contributory, not addressing the crux of the problem. Among these, mine were the best Medium had. If there were better ones, Medium did promote them.
The conclusion was obvious: Medium does not value my contribution nor offer me a satisfactory reader’s experience on the issues I am interested.
Unless generously supported by charitable investors, I believe Medium’s path is on the crash course. Hence, I did not close my account and post occasionally.
Lastly, besides the articles, I posted 3246 comments. Most of them are at least one paragraph long. You are just one among many people I met and befriended on Medium. Again, Medium leaders see no value in the community-building effort that members like you and me make.
It is sad but true.