My formal education prepared me to understand the complexity of the mathematical models developed by Mr. Klimczuk. But, I have to confess, I have no time either willpower to do so.
As a political thinker, writing about the politics of both Poland and the United States for almost half a century, I am skeptical of mathematical models.
I accept that many business players make strategic decisions basing on election predictions; hence, they might see monetary value in the accuracy of the models prepared by Mr. Klimczuk.
For ordinary people and the wellbeing of the nations, these predictions have little value. The more fascinating is creating models giving citizens some foresight into possible scenarios if this or that candidate wins. For example, in the United States, no one ever formulated any mathematical models on how this or that health care policy or immigration policy would affect the economy as a whole and particular sections of the society. There are no models like that on the possible ways of dealing with climate change.
I accept that this kind of models cannot be accurate, but can visualize to voters possible unintended consequences of policies gaining widespread support. Hence, Mr. Klimczuk, please tackle these if you want to impress me.