Patrick, do you like to be lectured? Most of us do not. The 1% you address do not either. The only way to get anyone’s attention is by talking with your opponents. If you do that, you would realize that it is closer to about 50% if you count people who question at least some data blaming humans for climate change and those who have different concepts about what we should do about it.
I am one of those individuals who disagree with the mantra of your reasoning. Hence, you can achieve more by debuting my reasoning than by shooting in the air claiming that it is aimed at the 1% who likely never will know that you talk to them.
My reasoning is available on Medium at:
I wrote it a while ago, and with the new IPCC report, I need to return to the subject. Instead of writing to all, I prefer the exchange of arguments with someone of opposite views. I have no illusion that I can convince you, and I doubt that you can make me change my point of view. That is not the purpose of writing polemics. The purpose is that an inquiring reasonable reader would find in one place the arguments of both sides. Then, as a jury in the judicial proceedings, the readers would decide for themselves whose arguments are more convincing. If you believe that your arguments are more convincing than mine, you should go for it.