Thank you for your nice words.
I grew up in Poland. I was in high school when there were pompous celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the Great October Revolution in 1917. As a history buff, I read everything I could put my hands on about that affair. I even won some contests about the knowledge of that subject. You are right that the revolutionary war was messy, as all wars are.
How this justifies Holodymor, ten years later,
How this justifies millions held in gulags? By the way, I met a few survivors. One spent two years in the same unit with Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and is mentioned by name in one of his books.
How this justifies Katyń massacre,
What about Budapest 1956 or Czechoslovakia in 1968?
Just to mention the most extreme cases, and not mentioning 44 years of Soviet domination in Poland, depriving us of freedom and basic human dignity every minute of every day.