To ensure that I did not miss something, I read all my comments since our first exchange. I never called anyone stupid as you accuse me. But I see the misinformation in media as the main reason for our deeply dysfunctional country. Health care and immigration are just two that affect most of us directly.
With my interests in politics and political writing for more than half of the century, I devoted much more time than I should, trying to understand better media and politics. For god’s sake, no one should need to do that. By reading a paper and watching the evening news, we should get enough information to be informed citizens. Unfortunately, in the 15-seconds bites, the media give us info that sells ads and delivers it to us in the deluge of trivia.
With this going for more than one generation, we have Americans who have the illusion that they understand immigration or health care issues. I can write one more article as hundreds, if not thousands on Medium, complaining in general that America is in decline because Americans are misinformed.
I am a doer, not a malcontent. Instead of complaining in general, I pointed my critique at the few individuals who responded to my writing. Your reaction to my writing indicates that you see that we need to go beyond what has been done so far in media and politics. I am trying to do what is in my power. I need help. You have to make a decision, will you work with me or not?